Re: [Usability] side pane in nautilus

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 10:31, Andy Owen <andy-gnome-usability ultra-premium com> wrote:

Now the obvious question: What benefit does this change have? The way it
is seems pretty useful to me, and I can't imagine it getting in the way
of anyone.

My point of view is that the new.png it's more clean, reduce the number of elements that users has to parse, reduce disorientation, provide cleanest interface (seems more polished).
In my experience and what I've observed to my tested users, nobody of them went off Places sidebar menu.They never selected Tree or Emblems.
I think this items should be delegated into the main menu toolbar.


Luca Cappelletti

Luca Cappelletti

"...Together we stand, divided we fall."


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