[Usability] Sticky notes quickie

(sorry if this is duplicate, not sure if the first one went through)

Am I the only one who finds the controls of the sticky notes applet counterintuitive?
Here's how I'd imagine it:

- the panel icon has a little arrow next to it
- clicking the icon opens a new note
- clicking the little arrow opens a list with the titles of notes you've created so far - this list allows you to toggle the visiblity of notes individually. visible notes have a check mark next to them in the list - the list also has a "show all" and "hide all", and maybe a "delete all" option at the bottom - clicking the X in the upper-right corner of a note only hides it. deletion has a separate button, like a little trashcan in the bottom-left corner

IMO, basic control of an applet like this should not have to involve the right mouse button.

~ Archie

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