[Usability] Introduction of Wouter Bron


I would like to introduce myself to the Usability mailing list. I am 20 years old, living in the Netherlands. My interests are GNOME, Python and usability.
I am studying Media technology [1], second year. Media technology is a combination of software engineering, media systems, creativity and communication. After my internship next year, which I hope will be something with the subject usability, I am attending classes about Human Computer Interfaces and Physical User Interfaces.
After I have finished my Python book I would like to start with Usability Engeneering [2]. If you know good websites or books about usability, please point me to it. I will read everything on this mailing list and try to understand it.
I hope I will learn a lot about usability.


Wouter Bron



[1] http://www.hu.nl/opleidingen/mediatechnologie/ (Dutch)

[2] ISBN10: 0131570080 | ISBN13:  9780131570085 

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