Re: [Usability] suggestions to ameliorate the ergonomics of totem

Dorian Bannier wrote:
Hi everyone. I'm french and my english is weak. So forgive me if I'm
hard to read :)
I post a first mail to make suggestion to ameliorate the ergonomics of

So, I made a list of the function of totem, and I was surprised that
only 4 functions are disponible by 1 click only. (Play/pause, Precedent,
next, and volume).
It's an error for me to hide some important features in the menus.
By example, the open file features is disponible by 2 clicks: File and
Open file.

In the following link, you will find a schema of the interface I
suggest(without the menu bar):

I will post the legend of the schema here:
1. Button Play
2. Button Forward
3. Button Follow
4. Button Return
5. Button Previous
6. Button Stop

7. Open File
8. Open directory
9. Menu DVD
10. Audio Select (to select the language of file)
11. Subtitles Select
12. Chapter Select

13. Full Screen.

The audio, subtitles and chapter select are here for the play of DVD,
and divx. When an user launch a divx and he wants to add subtitles, the
button Subtitles display only the list of the subtitles who are in the
file of the video.
The selection of subtitles is a important weak of totem, because it
needs 3 clicks to have a box to select subtitles. And I didn't found
subtitles selects in the traditionnel menus. The only way I found is
Panel/click left on the file/subtitles.

What do you think about this proposition? I hope it's the good mailing
list to do that.

To be more effective with your post, I suggest you create a bug report on the totem bug reporter. The developers make the choice how there program will look and work. You need to convince them to change there layout, a good way to start this, is by creating a bug report and attach possible patches.

PS. This is just some advice, i don't have any critics on the contains.

Best regards,


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