Re: [Usability] Copy/double click feedback

I'm not entirely sure about this, but I think that either Desktop Data Manager or Glipper may already implement this.

-----Original Message-----

From:  lorenzo <l bolzani gmail com>
Subj:  Re: [Usability] Copy/double click feedback
Date:  Mon Sep 24, 2007 2:13 pm
Size:  1K
To:  usability gnome org

2007/9/24, Calum Benson <Calum Benson sun com>:
> On Sun, 2007-09-23 at 20:19 +0200, lorenzo wrote:
> Neat idea, but many apps would probably have to implement custom visual
> feedback mechanisms of their own to deal with anything but the simplest
> types of copy-able object, which would mean extra work for developers
> and would probably result in inconsistencies between apps.

I think a simple "prototype" could be build working on selection or a
global indicator.
To copy something you always have to select it so the selection stuff
is already there. So you can blink the selection a couple of times, or
change the color for one second, ecc.
This requires a lightweight scheduling system to handle the
"animation" but I suppose it's already present. Otherwise you can
handle a very short animation syncronoulsy in the event handler

Otherwise, considering clipboard is a global/desktop level feature,
one global "sign" could be given, like a clipboard icon appearing in a
corner of the screen for one second or in the corner of the active
window or over the selected item (drawing at topmost/"glass" level so
you do not need to change each app) . But I'm not an expert of GTK

If the Mac solution is not too much annoying this also shouldn't be :)

Text field and text area can be fixed all at GTK level I suppose.

> Yes, this is a long-standing concern for all desktops really.  I don't
> really have any idea what a workable solution might be; better brains
> than ours[1] haven't really come up with anything in the past 20 years
> or more that WIMP desktops have been pervasive.

Yes, you are right. It's not easy to find a solution that works well
for big desktop icons and small file manager icons as well. Anyway I
think we could try to think something about this thing also, maybe in
another thread.


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