Re: [Usability] An extended default applications dialog
- From: Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>
- To: Matt Medland <matt medland gmail com>
- Cc: usability gnome org
- Subject: Re: [Usability] An extended default applications dialog
- Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 19:00:10 +0100
Am Sonntag, den 14.01.2007, 14:27 +0000 schrieb Matt Medland:
> Okay, thanks. I think I'll wait for the next implementation then.
> There's a link to the current script on the wiki page anyhow.
OK, I just finished the next iteration. It feels way better IMO, the UI
is completely different.
Feedback appreciated.
Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>
# * demo application for a new "default application" chooser
# * GUI experiment
# * started after failed GUI experiment, my experience failure is describe at
# GPL, (C) 2007 Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>
import pygtk
import gtk
import gobject
import gnomevfs
from sets import Set
class MimeCategory:
def __init__ (self, name, combo_label, exception_label, mime_types, default_application_id_fallback): = name
self.combo_label = combo_label
self.exception_label = exception_label
self.mime_types = mime_types
self.default_application_id_fallback = default_application_id_fallback
def update_from_vfs (self):
self.all_applications = {} # id->application
self.applications = {} # MIME type -> application
self.default_applications = {} # MIME type -> application
# applications that can not handle all MIME types, TODO
# these would not be available for the category combos
self.exception_applications = None
unhandled_apps = None
# find out available apps + default app for all mime types
for mime_type in self.mime_types:
self.applications[mime_type] = gnomevfs.mime_get_all_applications (mime_type)
self.default_applications[mime_type] = gnomevfs.mime_get_default_application (mime_type)
for application in self.applications[mime_type]:
self.all_applications[application[0]] = (application)
# find default app FIXME this should be read out somewhere
default_app = None
self.default_application_id = default_app and default_app[0] or self.default_application_id_fallback
class ApplicationChooserModel (gtk.ListStore):
def __init__ (self, applications):
gtk.ListStore.__init__ (self,
gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, # GnomeVFSMIMEApplication
gobject.TYPE_INT, # sort index
gobject.TYPE_STRING) # application name
self.set_default_sort_func (self.sort_func)
self.set_sort_column_id (-1, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING)
self.applications = applications
for application in applications:
# application[1] is the name
self.append ([application, -1, application[1]])
#self.append ([None, 0, None])
#self.append ([None, 1, 'Custom...'])
def sort_func (self, model, a, b):
cmp = self.get_value (a, 1) - self.get_value (b, 1)
if (cmp != 0):
return cmp
if self.get_value (a, 2) > self.get_value (b, 2):
return 1
elif self.get_value (a, 2) < self.get_value (b, 2):
return -1
return 0
class ApplicationChooser (gtk.ComboBox):
def __init__ (self, applications, default_application_id):
gtk.ComboBox.__init__ (self)
self.set_model (ApplicationChooserModel (applications))
iter = self.get_model().get_iter_first()
i = 0
while (iter != None):
application = self.get_model().get_value (iter, 0)
if application != None and application[0] == default_application_id:
self.set_active (i)
i = i + 1
iter = self.get_model().iter_next (iter)
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
self.pack_start(cell, True)
self.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 2)
def row_separator_func (self, model, iter):
return model.get_value (iter, 0) == None
class MIMEChooserModel (gtk.ListStore):
def __init__ (self, mime_types):
gtk.ListStore.__init__ (self,
gobject.TYPE_STRING, # MIME Type
gobject.TYPE_STRING) # MIME Type (human-readable)
self.set_default_sort_func (self.sort_func)
self.set_sort_column_id (0, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING)
self.mime_types = mime_types
for mime_type in mime_types:
desc = gnomevfs.mime_get_description (mime_type) or mime_type
print "appended " + mime_type
self.append ([mime_type, desc])
def sort_func (self, model, a, b):
cmp = self.get_value (a, 1) - self.get_value (b, 1)
if (cmp != 0):
return cmp
if self.get_value (a, 0) > self.get_value (b, 0):
return 1
elif self.get_value (a, 0) < self.get_value (b, 0):
return -1
return 0
# Details view allowing to add MIME types that have handlers
# that override the default handler
# TODO proper error handling etc.
# TODO implement saving/reloading/resynching with MIME data upon changes
# TODO decide whether default application itself should show up
class DetailsView (gtk.TreeView):
def __init__(self, category):
self.category = category
self.adding_mime_type = False
liststore = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING, # MIME Type
gobject.TYPE_STRING, # MIME Type (human-readable)
gtk.ListStore, # MIME Model
gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, # Active Application
gobject.TYPE_STRING, # Active Application (as string)
gtk.ListStore) # Application Model
self.set_model (liststore)
self.get_model ().set_sort_column_id (1, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING)
self.get_selection().set_mode (gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE)
cell = self.file_type_renderer = gtk.CellRendererCombo ()
cell.set_property ('text-column', 1)
cell.set_property ('editable', False)
cell.set_property ('has-entry', False)
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn ('File Type', cell, model=2, text=1)
self.append_column (column)
cell.connect ("edited", self.file_type_edited)
cell.connect ("editing-canceled", self.file_type_editing_canceled)
cell = self.application_renderer = gtk.CellRendererCombo ()
cell.set_property ('text-column', 2)
cell.set_property ('editable', True)
cell.set_property ('has-entry', False)
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn ('Application', cell, model=5, text=4)
self.append_column (column)
cell.connect ("edited", self.application_edited)
cell.connect ("editing-canceled", self.application_editing_canceled)
self.unhandled_mime_types = []
self.handled_undisplayed_mime_types = []
self.handled_displayed_mime_types = []
# add entries for all the MIME types where we have apps
for mime_type in self.category.mime_types:
app = self.category.default_applications[mime_type]
apps = self.category.applications[mime_type]
desc = gnomevfs.mime_get_description (mime_type)
if desc == None:
print 'mime type "' + mime_type + '" has no description.'
desc = mime_type
if app == None:
self.unhandled_mime_types.append (mime_type)
elif app[0] != self.category.default_application_id:
self.handled_displayed_mime_types.append (mime_type)
liststore.append ([mime_type, desc, MIMEChooserModel ([]), \
app, app and app[1] or None, ApplicationChooserModel (apps)])
# handled by default application
self.handled_undisplayed_mime_types.append (mime_type)
if liststore.get_iter_first() == None:
liststore.append ([None, None, MIMEChooserModel ([]), \
None, '(No exceptions defined)', ApplicationChooserModel ([]) ])
def file_type_edited (self, cell, path_string, mime_type_string):
cell.set_property ('editable', False)
iter = self.get_model ().get_iter_from_string (path_string)
# EWW my eyes bleed! how do we figure out the MIME type from a description string?
# we need the active index of the submodel, i.e. the GtkComboBox!
submodel = self.get_model ().get_value (iter, 2)
subiter = submodel.get_iter_first()
while (subiter != None):
model_mime_type_string = submodel.get_value (subiter, 1)
if model_mime_type_string == mime_type_string:
subiter = submodel.iter_next (subiter)
if (subiter == None): # eww should not happen!
self.file_type_editing_canceled (cell)
mime_type = submodel.get_value (subiter, 0)
self.get_model ().set_value (iter, 0, mime_type)
self.get_model ().set_value (iter, 1, mime_type_string)
model = ApplicationChooserModel (self.category.applications[mime_type])
self.get_model ().set_value (iter, 5, model)
self.set_cursor_on_cell (self.get_model ().get_path (iter), self.get_column (1), self.application_renderer, True)
def file_type_editing_canceled (self, cell):
cell.set_property ('editable', False)
if self.adding_mime_type:
(liststore, iter) = self.get_selection ().get_selected ()
liststore.remove (iter)
self.adding_mime_type = False
def application_edited (self, cell, path_string, application_string):
iter = self.get_model ().get_iter_from_string (path_string)
mime_type = self.get_model ().get_value (iter, 0)
# EWW my eyes bleed! how do we figure out the application from a its string?
# we need the active index of the submodel, i.e. the GtkComboBox!
submodel = self.get_model ().get_value (iter, 5)
subiter = submodel.get_iter_first()
while (subiter != None):
model_application_string = submodel.get_value (subiter, 2)
if model_application_string == application_string:
subiter = submodel.iter_next (subiter)
if (subiter == None): # eww should not happen!
self.application_editing_canceled (cell)
application = submodel.get_value (subiter, 0)
self.get_model ().set_value (iter, 3, application)
self.get_model ().set_value (iter, 4, application[1])
if self.adding_mime_type:
self.adding_mime_type = False
self.handled_undisplayed_mime_types.remove (mime_type)
self.handled_displayed_mime_types.append (mime_type)
# TODO maybe emit mime-type-added instead
print 'Introduced handler ' + application[1] + ' for MIME type ' + mime_type
print 'Changed handler to ' + application[1] + ' for MIME type ' + mime_type
self.emit ("mime-type-changed", mime_type)
# TODO write out changes, possibly in the handler
def application_editing_canceled (self, cell):
if self.adding_mime_type:
(liststore, iter) = self.get_selection ().get_selected ()
liststore.remove (iter)
def add_mime_type (self):
self.adding_mime_type = True
# remove dummy row if appropriate
liststore = self.get_model ()
first_iter = liststore.get_iter_first()
if first_iter != None:
desc = liststore.get_value (first_iter, 1)
if desc == None:
liststore.remove (first_iter)
# add new row
iter = liststore.append ([None, '(none)', MIMEChooserModel (self.handled_undisplayed_mime_types), \
None, '', ApplicationChooserModel ([]) ])
self.file_type_renderer.set_property ('editable', True)
self.set_cursor_on_cell (self.get_model ().get_path (iter), self.get_column (0), self.file_type_renderer, True)
def remove_mime_type (self):
(liststore, rows) = self.get_selection ().get_selected_rows ()
references = []
for row in rows:
references.append (gtk.TreeRowReference (liststore, row))
for reference in references:
path = reference.get_path ()
iter = liststore.get_iter (path)
if iter != None:
mime_type = liststore.get_value (iter, 0)
liststore.remove (iter)
self.handled_displayed_mime_types.remove (mime_type)
self.handled_undisplayed_mime_types.append (mime_type)
self.emit ("mime-type-removed", mime_type)
class DetailsDialog (gtk.Dialog):
def __init__ (self, category):
gtk.Dialog.__init__ (self)
self.category = category
self.ensure_style ()
self.set_border_width (12)
self.action_area.set_border_width (0)
self.vbox.set_spacing (12)
self.set_has_separator (0)
self.set_title ('Details for \"%s\"' %
self.connect("response", self.response)
self.add_button (gtk.STOCK_ADD, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
self.add_button (gtk.STOCK_REMOVE, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL)
self.add_button (gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE)
vbox = gtk.VBox ()
vbox.set_border_width (0)
vbox.set_spacing (18)
self.vbox.add (vbox)
label_text = category.exception_label % (category.all_applications[category.default_application_id][1])
label = gtk.Label (label_text)
label.set_alignment (0.0, 0.5)
vbox.pack_start (label, False, False) ()
scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow ()
scrolled_window.set_policy (gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
scrolled_window.set_shadow_type (gtk.SHADOW_IN)
scrolled_window.set_size_request (-1, 200)
vbox.add (scrolled_window) ()
self.details_view = DetailsView (category)
scrolled_window.add (self.details_view) ()
self.details_view.connect ("mime-type-changed", self.details_view_mime_type_changed)
self.details_view.connect ("mime-type-removed", self.details_view_mime_type_removed)
self.details_view.get_selection().connect ("changed", self.details_view_selection_changed)
self.update_response_sensitivity ()
def response (self, dialog, response):
if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
self.details_view.add_mime_type ()
elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL:
self.details_view.remove_mime_type ()
else: # FIXME handle destruction request differently?
def update_response_sensitivity (self):
self.set_response_sensitive (gtk.RESPONSE_OK, len (self.details_view.handled_undisplayed_mime_types) > 0)
self.set_response_sensitive (gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, len (self.details_view.handled_displayed_mime_types) > 0 and \
self.details_view.get_selection().count_selected_rows > 0)
def details_view_mime_type_changed (self, details_view, mime_type):
self.update_response_sensitivity ()
def details_view_mime_type_removed (self, details_view, mime_type):
self.update_response_sensitivity ()
def details_view_selection_changed (self, selection):
self.update_response_sensitivity ()
class ApplicationDialog (gtk.Dialog):
def __init__ (self, categories):
gtk.Dialog.__init__ (self)
self.set_title ('Default Applications')
self.ensure_style ()
self.set_border_width (7)
self.action_area.set_border_width (0)
self.vbox.set_spacing (2)
self.set_has_separator (0)
self.add_button (gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE)
table = gtk.Table (len (categories), 3, False)
table.set_row_spacings (6)
table.set_col_spacings (12)
self.vbox.add (table)
table.set_border_width (5) ()
self.categories = categories
for category in self.categories:
y = categories.index (category)
label = gtk.Label ()
label.set_text_with_mnemonic (category.combo_label)
label.set_alignment (0.0, 0.5)
table.attach (label, 0, 1, y, y+1, gtk.FILL, 0) ()
chooser = ApplicationChooser (category.all_applications.values(),
label.set_mnemonic_widget (chooser)
table.attach (chooser, 1, 2, y, y+1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, 0) ()
if len (category.mime_types) > 1:
button = gtk.Button ('Details')
table.attach (button, 2, 3, y, y+1, 0, 0) ()
button.connect("clicked", self.detailsClicked, category)
# expander = gtk.Expander ('Details')
# table.attach (expander, 0, 2, 1, 2, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL)
# if len (category.applications.keys()) > 1:
# ()
# else:
# expander.hide ()
# exception_view = DetailsView (category)
# expander.add (exception_view)
# ()
print "EWW no handler for " + str (
def detailsClicked (self, button, category):
print "Displaying details for " + str (
details_dialog = DetailsDialog (category)
details_dialog.set_transient_for (self)
details_dialog.set_position (gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT)
while 1:
res = ()
if res == gtk.RESPONSE_OK or \
details_dialog.destroy ()
gobject.signal_new ("mime-type-changed", DetailsView,
gobject.signal_new ("mime-type-removed", DetailsView,
audio_category = MimeCategory ('Audio', '_Audio Player:', 'All audio files will be played with "%s" by default, except:', [ 'audio/x-wav', 'audio/x-vorbis+ogg', 'audio/x-flac+ogg', 'audio/x-speex+ogg', 'audio/mpeg' ], 'totem.desktop' )
video_category = MimeCategory ('Video', '_Video Player:', 'All video files will be played with "%s" by default, except:', [ 'video/mpeg', 'video/x-ms-wmv', 'video/x-msvideo', 'video/x-nsv', 'video/x-sgi-movie', 'video/wavelet', 'video/quicktime', 'video/isivideo', 'video/dv', 'audio/vnd.rn-realvideo', 'video/mp4', 'application/x-matroska', 'application/x-flash-video' ], 'totem.desktop' )
image_category = MimeCategory ('Image', '_Image Viewer:', 'All image files will be opened with "%s" by default, except:', [ 'image/vnd.rn-realpix', 'image/bmp', 'image/cgm', 'image/fax-g3', 'image/g3fax', 'image/gif', 'image/ief', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpeg2000', 'image/x-pict', 'image/png', 'image/rle', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/tiff', 'image/vnd.dwg', 'image/vnd.dxf', 'image/x-3ds', 'image/x-applix-graphics', 'image/x-cmu-raster', 'image/x-compressed-xcf', 'image/x-dib', 'image/vnd.djvu', 'image/dpx', 'image/x-eps', 'image/x-fits', 'image/x-fpx', 'image/x-ico', 'image/x-iff', 'image/x-ilbm', 'image/x-jng', 'image/x-lwo', 'image/x-lws', 'image/x-msod', 'image/x-niff', 'image/x-pcx', 'image/x-photo-cd', 'image/x-portable-anymap', 'image/x-portable-bitmap', 'image/x-portable-graymap', 'image/x-portable-pixmap', 'image/x-psd', 'image/x-rgb', 'image/x-sgi', 'image/x-sun-raster', 'image/x-tga', 'image/x-win-bitmap', 'image/x-wmf', 'image/x-xbitmap', 'image/x-xcf', 'image/x-xfig', 'image/x-xpixmap', 'image/x-xwindowdump' ], 'eog.desktop')
text_editor_category = MimeCategory ('Text Editor', '_Text Editor:', '', [ 'text/plain' ], 'gedit.desktop' )
word_processing_category = MimeCategory ('Word Processing', '_Word Processor:', 'All text documents will be opened with "%s" by default, except:', [ 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template','application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master', 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer', 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template', 'application/', 'application/vnd.stardivision.writer', 'application/msword', 'application/rtf' ], 'abiword.desktop' )
spreadsheet_category = MimeCategory ('Spreadsheet', '_Spreadsheet:', 'All spreadsheet files will be opened with "%s", except:', [ 'application/', 'application/x-gnumeric' ], 'gnumeric.desktop')
dialog = ApplicationDialog ([audio_category, video_category, image_category, text_editor_category, word_processing_category, spreadsheet_category])
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