Re: [Usability] List View Column Header Sorting

On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 08:41:35AM +1300, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:

> Good thinking! That's long confused me, but not jarringly enough for me 
> to realize it was a bug.

Well, thanks :)
> > ...
> > From
> >
> > ...
> > Mockup:
> >
> In the bug report I suggested a variation on one of your ideas.

I'm experimenting a bit, mockups will follow.

> > I changed the dividers for resizing from sunken to raised, because 
> > drag-handles are usualy and should be raised. Guess that's a theming 
> > thing, though.
> That's an interesting idea, though it might make drag-and-drop column 
> rearrangement less obvious, because the columns would look glued 
> together.

This made me check if you can rearrange columns via drag and drop.
You can't. At least not in Nautilus.

What I proposed is not drang and drop, but just clicking on a column 
header to make it jump to the left, as I figured this should be the 
most efficient way. The sorting direction icon should be an idependent 
target area, to allow switching direction without reordering columns, 

I think changing the order of columns would be the best way to 
communicate the sequence of multiple sorting. All other ways I can 
think of require more complex graphics. There are also interaction 
issues like made apparent in the discussion on
"Sorting By Multiple columns should be supported"

Thorsten Wilms

Thorwil's Creature Illustrations:

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