Re: [Usability] List View Column Header Sorting

On Wed, 2007-02-21 at 20:44 +0100, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
> What I meant to express is that I can't remember the direction mapping, 
> even though I tried. I have memorised dozens and dozens of shortcuts 
> for several applications, but this doesn't stick at all. I expect it 
> to be no different for most users.
> So if I use sorting, I have to check the list itself to determine 
> the direction, often clicking a second or third time. This takes 
> time, maybe not much, but it _feels_ so inefficient.
> An alternative to what's in my mockup would be to write out 
> A - Z, Small - Large, Old - New
> flipping the order on clicking. There's a space problem, 
> but seeing the first half only should be enough.

Actually, this is a pretty interesting idea. It reduces the user's
cognitive load because he or she doesn't need to map the > relation onto
the column type. The mockup looks a little "warty," and it may be better
to just show the sorted column's "wart."

An opposing viewpoint might be that clicking the column again is such a
cheap operation for the user to perform that letting him or her
distribute the cognition into (effectively) the widget is "good enough"
and not worth attempting to fix.

Michael R. Head <burner suppressingfire org>

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