Re: [Usability] Control Center Appearance Capplet

On Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 02:57:31PM +0100, Thomas Wood wrote:


Theme selection doesn't affect Fonts, Desktop and Options, right?
There should be some seperation between Themes and Appearance, then.

If the user selects a theme and then alters an appearance option, 
we basically have a new theme, right? I mean, there should appear 
an entry in the theme list.

Themes and Appearance could be combined into one tab to not  
change options hidden on another tab.

If Colours can't be changed with a controls theme, the colour 
widgets don't need to appear at all and can be replaced with  
the info text to save some space. If the colour widgets stay, 
they need to be shown disabled.

Regarding undo, I wonder if it's worth the trouble given 
that pretty much any change can be changed back easily.
There could be Undo/Redo buttons on the bottom, outside 
the tabs.
Now if we want to show what will be undone or redone, that could 
happen in tooltips (discoverability problem), in a statusbar or in 
a log. With a log it could be like:

  Enabled "Show icons in menus" [Undo]

That is, an undo button after the text item, which will 
change into Redo, with the item shown in gray, perhaps.
Hmm, that's likely overkill here, but maybe there's a use 
for the log concept elsewhere :)

Thorsten Wilms

Thorwil's Design for Free Software:

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