Re: [Usability] 'Browsing Removeable Device' heading in Nautilus. WAS: Re: Drive applet by default

One problem is using the word "eject" as a synonym for "unmount" (that
the user happens to recognize more easily).  With "eject" you expect the
volume to come shooting out of the computer... there's no good word I
can think of to use instead of "unmount" that communicates what is
happening in non-jargon terms.  Mac (used to) use "put away" but that's
not very good.   Maybe "shut down" or "unattach" or something?  

I was thinking "remove" while I was reading it.

Thesaurus...]  Remove? Disconnect? Unjoin? Unlink? Unfasten? (Getting
silly now...)   "Remove" has the advantage of linking with "Removable
Device"!  "Remove from system"?

And yes, I guess "remove" would be the best option.

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