Re: [Usability] tabs, views and a lot of data

On 13 Feb 2006, at 10:10, Peter Klein wrote:

To view such a behavior in the real world I would like to point to this
(use "Shrek" for an example query ;-))
I do not think that this demo will kill all usability flaws that are linked up with big information spaces and different views - but it ist certainly
an interesting alternatives.

Interesting idea, although I'm not sure about its applicability to most typical desktop applications-- most of the cells in that spreadsheet could just as well be implemented with gtk expander widgets, something like the Mac's Get Info dialog:

although admittedly it wouldn't look as pretty :)

I'm not sure I'd necessarily see it as a replacement for tabs, either... tabs were really /designed/ to be used in cases where you don't need to retain context between them, and indeed it's arguably a HIG violation if you force the user to remember stuff as they're moving between tabs. (If you do need to show information common to multiple tabs, you can show that information in a part of the window that lies outside the tabbed area).


CALUM BENSON, Usability Engineer       Sun Microsystems Ireland
mailto:calum benson sun com            Java Desktop System Team             +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Sun Microsystems

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