[Usability] The "Replace File" dialog again

--- Sandy <sandythefire gmail com> wrote:
> As v all can see in the figure the dialog just has 2
> actions :-
>    1. Overwrite the existing file. 
>    2. Skip the operation. 

I'm resurrecting the discussion after a long gap :)

I'm using gFTP at the moment, and that has a dialog of
the same sort as we were thinking of in this thread:
the user is asked what to do about a number of
conflicts in a single dialog.

Instead of the check box, there's a column labelled
'Action', which shows one of skip, overwrite, resume
(though I'm not sure what 'resume' means).
Three buttons at the bottom set the value for the
currently selected rows.

It's not perfect, but perhaps that along with the
above suggestion would two good starting points to


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