Re: [Usability] The Desktop: useful or just a relic?

Maciej Katafiasz wrote:
Dnia 04-06-2005, sob o godzinie 07:36 +1200, Matthew Thomas napisał:

That doesn't matter as long as you don't have to do your filing straight
away. You can leave stuff on your desktop until you have time to clean
it up, whether that be once a day, or once a week, or once a month. Just
like a real desktop. (Except that dumping stuff on your virtual desktop
doesn't make the surface uneven.)

And just with real desktop, the result would be great mess you'd have to
clean up once a {week, month, year}, and would put off for as long as
possible, since it's a pain. And then, when you actually got around to
doing that, it'd take you 4h to do,

However long it took you to do, it would take you *less* time than the current system. The current system forces you to file one document at a time, only remembering the folder for consecutive items; but with filing stuff from the desktop, you can locate a folder and drag everything that belongs in it into it at once. (I'm not counting the time lost in my design from reopening a long-untouched file to remind yourself what it was before filing it; but nor am I counting the time lost from dataloss because of the ellenfeissitude of the current design.)

I don't advocate burdening user with micro-management tasks, but desktop
is not a good place for "things you don't know what to do with". It's
hard enough to keep up with stuff I put manually on my desk, apps doing
that additionally ain't gonna help. OTOH, desktop is marvellous place to
_manually_ put stuff you're working on atm.

Whatever room your desk is in, I doubt it has a security guard at the door who physically prevents you from leaving until you decide whether you want to "save" the work you were just doing. You wouldn't tolerate something that obnoxious in the physical world. You only tolerate it from desktop operating systems because there isn't yet a popular counterexample.

Matthew Thomas

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