Re: [Usability] "About" menu items galore...

On Wed, 2005-07-13 at 16:22 -0300, Steven Garrity wrote: 
> I was looking at the right-click context menu of the Gnome panel Trash 
> Applet and I wondered about the "About" menu items on all panel applet 
> context menus.
> On one hand, this is a handy way to see the version number and 
> credits/licensing info about each panel applet. On the other hand, it 
> adds another item in that context menu that would be used very infrequently.

Not to mention, takes up a (near-insignificant) amount of memory and
CPU. Let's see, the little star icon, the full application icon, the
information in the about window, the credits, and most of this has
translation info loaded...

Granted, it's probably a whole 1-2k at best (if even) but, I wouldn't
mind having it back.

> I'm not sure I have an alternative suggestion for where to put the 
> version and license/credit info, but I wondered if these menu items 
> could even be dropped.

"Help" would seem an appropriate place to put credits and such, rather
than having a spare dialogue box sitting around.

On a slightly unrelated, even more confusing note, right-click on say,
the window selector, press help, then on the workplace switcher and
press help. What happens? You get a page of the gnome manual (with an
out-of-date graphic), that has the workspace selector mentioned in it,
and an entirely different manual.


Also, the workspace switcher lacks a tool-tip. Are these bugs?


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