Re: [Usability] Thoughts about the file chooser

Dave Ahlswede wrote:

On Sun, 2004-09-26 at 03:13 +0200, Maurizio Colucci wrote:
I was wondering: have you thought about replacing the whole file dialog with a single "drag files here" widget, or some kind of file list where you can drag the files to?

This could make sense if your priority is to offer a minimal interface, with no duplication of functionality. And would solve the problem where the application asks for a file, but you already have the file visible in another file manager (be it nautilus or not).

If dragging is too difficult, Gnome could provide a "send to" functionality (e.g. right-click file, the context menu opens, select "send to window", a window list opens, select the file chooser window). I implemented something like that in

I believe this has been discussed a couple times in the past--
I wasn't aware of that, sorry.

personal feeling is that, while the FileChooser should be a viable drog-
drop target for files, we shouldn't get rid of its browsing

To tear out the browser from the filechooser would have a bad impact on
people who, for instance, invoke their programs from a terminal and
don't use a GUI file manager.
I see. OTOH, if that's the only reason, you _could_ provide a CLI program to solve this problem.
The invocation would be something like

send-files   file1.pdf    file3.png  <ENTER>

and then a window list opens, asking for the target window.

I'm not sure if it would be an improvement though...


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