Re: [Usability] The new file chooser

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On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 12:16:12 -0400
Havoc Pennington <hp redhat com> wrote:

> On Mon, 2004-09-20 at 17:47 +0200, rkaa netcom no wrote:
> > 
> > Not good enough. I have serialized filenames. I want to open the
> > "next" file
> > sometimes. It is one letter or digit off from the filename of a file
> > i
> > previously pasted. So I want to paste the filename and edit the one
> > letter/digit and then click "open". I can't do that now. Major
> > drawback.
> > 
> When you paste, the chooser would jump to what was pasted, and ctrl+L
> would open containing what was pasted.
> "next" file would normally just mean pressing down arrow due to sort
> order, so a typical sequence would be ctrl+o to open, ctrl+v to paste
> filename, down arrow, Enter.

ohh.. could this mean that if I "paste" a whole
"/mnt/media2/fluffbunnies/pink/2004/03/02/intro.jpg" it would
automagically jump to the "/mnt/media2/fluffbunnies/pink/2004/03/02" and
highlight "intro.jpg" ?  that would be -good-.   

it'd also be nice if type-ahead would work for / and other characters as
well, since that functionality may very well move things a few levels
for those who actually use the keyboard for selection.

Another, separate issue is that the whole darn thing is so cramped up
and -never- remembers that I resize it.  (i want it to be larger per
default, since I'm always fairly deep down in a hierarchy, and the
breadcrumbs aren't visible without using the arrows then :-/ )


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