Re: [Usability] HIG dialog layout headache

On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, Christian Neumair wrote:

> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 16:37:46 +0200
> From: Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>
> To: usability gnome org
> Subject: [Usability] HIG dialog layout headache
> Hello usability folks!
> I'm currently trying to HIGify the Gnumeric "Paste Special" dialog. I'm
> totally unconfident with the current layout, but don't know how to
> resolve the issues in a clean fashion. I've attached a screenshot of my
> current mockup. The issue seems to be that the dialog has a lot of white

large amounts of dead space is never a great sign.

> space and many widgets, which could be resolved by adding comboboxes for
> the "what to paste" items and the mathematical operations; note that the
> backdraw of comboboxes is that options are "hidden away" in subwidgets,
> which Jody doesn't want.

Presumably you are also going to change OK to "Paste"?
A button Icon for the Paste Link would be nice.

I dont have a recent copy of gnumeric for comparison, will a copy of
gnumeric 1.2 be recent enough to see what the old Paste Special Dialog
looked like?

_All and _Abbrechen have conflicting mnemonics (but Abbrechen == _Close
so that shouldn't really be an issue).

In case it might be helpful here is a screenshot of the Excel 2002 Paste
Special Dialog

You could do worse than simply copying it verbatim.
If in doubt copy, embrace now, extend later.

- Alan

P.S.  put up a copy of the mockup for my own benifit, here's the link in
case it might be of use to anyone else.

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