Re: [Usability] Re: Lightening up the XDG menu

[removed some CC's due to them not being relevant for this post]

> What happens to users who want to see a list of all available
> applications?  I realise it is ugly but a long list of all available
> applications is very useful.

Well, actually, this is possible now with just a bit of ugliness. you
add a menu to the panel (either by adding a 'foot' menu or by going in
the applications menu and saying "Add this as a menu to panel"
Now bring up the gconf-editor and go to the key describing that applet,
/apps/panel/profiles/default/objects/object_*/ where object_type is
menu-object and menu_path is the path to the menu object you created.
Now make sure use_menu_path is on, and change the menu_path to be
/usr/share/applications (or whatever your path to all your .desktop
files are).

Now you should be able to have a nice list of all your applications that
have a .desktop file. Although it could probably much nicer to use and
not as such a 'hack', but the possobility is there...

Daniel Brodie

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