Re: [Usability] Visual highlight of active inputs

On Thu, 2004-03-11 at 23:25 -0500, Rodney Dawes wrote:
> On Enj , 2004-03-11 at 22:11, Steven Garrity wrote:
> > I'm curious as to what people think about trying to make the current 
> > focus more visual prominent on input widgets - especially text input fields.
> > 
> This can be easily done with themes, yes. In fact, I'll add something
> like this to CleanIce. It is already doing useful hints in places where
> others are not (the paned handles are actually prelighted sanely).
> -- dobey

IIRC this is a theme specific thing, however some widgets do not have a
prelight state, for example tab labels, so the themes are unable to
highlight them as clickable. Its been a long standing wish of mine to go
in and add a prelight state to any GTK+ widget that needs it.


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