Re: [Usability] File menu applet

W liście z czw, 22-07-2004, godz. 17:20, Alan Horkan pisze: 
> > While we're (a little) on the topic, I really think it would be nice to be able
> > to have a separate tree view without using the browser.  That is, I'd like a
> > separate window that has nothing but a directory tree, where double clicking on
> > folders opens spatial windows to those folders.  Then you get all the
> > advantages of spatial mode, but still get the tree when you need it.
> You are describing something differnt from the Tree View in the Macintosh
> Finder?  (I think you are suggesting something else.  Having a Tree
> View like the Finder would be neat but I'm not going to request it as
> I'm sure the developers have better things to do.)
> I'm not sure the developers would go for mixing the Spatial model with a
> tree view, they have seemed pretty clear on how they want Spatial to
> behave.

AFAIK, it's already somewhere on TODO list. It's really cool feature,
and contributes to great classic finder usability.


"Tautologizm to coś tautologicznego"
   Maciej Katafiasz <mnews2 wp pl>

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