Should the Open Dialog be different from the Save dialog [was Re: [Usability] Re: Suggestion for the actual UI of GTK+'s New FileSelector]

Tired of seeing the same old subject line and I'd appreciate if people
tried to change the Subject line in really long threads like this one with
lots of disparate ideas.

On Fri, 9 Jan 2004, Sean Middleditch wrote:


> Again, I have to say - *WHY* is there a New Folder button in an Open
> dialog?  Why isn't anyone looking into dialogs dedicated to something
> besides Opening files?  The dialogs and features necessary to Select
> Folders or Save Files should be different to reflect the fact they are
> different operations and have different needs.
> Seriously, if you're opening a file, what in the name of goodness do you
> need a New Folder button for?  ;-)

Should the Open Dialog be different from the Save Dialog?
I'm reasonably sure the Microsoft developers decided that if they were
going to keep the Open and Save dialogs very similar there was no benifit
to removing the New Folder button so they may as well just leave it in.

Keeping the Save and Open dialogs consistant is certainly and admirable
idea but I dont think it is something we should worry about too much


Alan Horkan

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