Re: [Usability] Re: Suggestion for the actual UI of GTK+'s New FileSelector

On Fri, 2004-01-09 at 14:06, Tiago Cruz wrote:
> Em Sex, 2004-01-09 às 15:31, Julien Olivier escreveu:
> > > Because perhaps you it wants to save its archive in a new folder: -)
> >                                    ^^^^
> > If you're _opening_ a file, you don't want to _save_ it... do you ?
> Yes :-)
> But... I can remember that I have that to create a folder to keep
> certain archives and to use to advantage the situation without having
> that to open nautilus (what delays a long time in my k6-2 500 MHz) :)

I'm sorry, but arguing for a brain-dead feature in a file selector
because you don't like the file manager you choose to use is silly.  If
Nautilus is too slow, argue for Nautilus to be faster, not for the file
selector to take Nautilus' place.

> And if I'm _salving_ (this word exist?) the file, I can need create a
> new folder, ok? 8-)

Yes, but that's a Save File dialog.  We're talking Open File.  These are
different.  Everyone keeps throwing around these Open File dialog
suggestions and mockups, but no thought has been put into separate Save
File or Select Folder dialogs, which the API can support.  (Well, it
supports save, hopefully it will support folder selection.)  My argument
is that, in the Open File case, there is no need to create new folders. 
Creating a new folder will not assist you when you must open an existing
file.  New Folder would only be useful when you must select a folder,
and possibly if you are saving a file.
Sean Middleditch <elanthis awesomeplay com>
AwesomePlay Productions, Inc.

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