Re: [Usability] totem = video or media player ? (was: My humble experience about file management through applications)

> Not sure what occasional means in this case :)
> I use it mostly for audio and occasionally for video.

I guess it means that the UI is optimized for videos, in the sense that
- for example - you won't have advanced playlist handling (ala
rhythmbox). Even random playing wasn't planned at the beginning, but
finally ended up being added.

> IMNSHO if it can handle both audio and video it will always be a media
> player. The backend determines that in this case. Doesn't matter to
> which extent a user uses certain capabilities.

You're right that it will always be a media player, but from UI point of
view, it's very difficult to have one application that handles music and
video in a perfect way. Playing one "media" file is OK, but what about
having a way to modify ID3 tags, does it have its place in a video
player ? And what about preferences about screen size ? How does it
relate to music playing ?

As you see, you can mix a video player and music player together, but it
will always be a mix of 2 apps, not 1 perfect app for both video and
music. And that's why it would be better to have totem for video and
rhythmbox for music IMO.

But, by the way, it's getting way off-topic, sorry :)

Julien Olivier <julo altern org>

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