Re: [Usability] File menu applet

I think that hacking on things to the gtk-bookmarks file is going to
lead to problems in the end.  I think it would be better to get some
sort of standard in place and THEN do this.

I like my idea of filtering by URI and mime type.  Consider this:

The text editors will only want files that are text, right?  Filter on
the text mime type.
Image editors only want images.  Email clients only want email
addresses.  etc, etc, etc.

Metadata is important, I suppose.  Not for the concept of "bookmark",
but simply for organizing them.  People and programs need to use the
system, after all.

To avoid creating a library dependency on GTK (for XML), why not use a
bookmark directory and have flat files inside?  Not my
personal-favorite idea, but it might work.

I like the idea for a common data server.

Anyway, sorry this isn't very coherent.  Maybe I should write up my
idea of a desktop-independent spec and you guys can see what you
think?  Would it be worth my time?

Jonathan Rockway <jrockway gmail com>

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