Re: [Usability] Clarification on recent discussion

On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 13:38, Eli M. Dow wrote:
> Many of us have been thinking about how frequently tasks are done and by
> what percentage of people. Several people have begun this process and
> submit their ideas to this list. As Bryan said, we need to place this at
> a central reference point. He suggested a wiki and I think that would be
> a nice idea... Can someone who has web hosting abilities/facilities put
> one up somewhere? If not, clarkbw and I would gladly maintain a text
> file  at some random non-gnome affiliated url although this seems less
> than optimal.

We can give you a gnome-affiliated URI I would think. Either way,
maintaining a "living document" reflecting the state of the discussion
is hugely helpful.

> 	Will these be implemented as one item in gtk, or will they be
> implemented seperately? This will determine if we need 2 different
> FBM/OBM/... lists. If there will be only one implementation of a unified
> FOSA we need to make a single list and augment it with specific
> information about which context we are referring to (file open, or save
> as)

I would think we should analyze open/save as separate tasks, and that
GTK should allow different dialogs for those. If nothing else since we
need it to emulate the Mac dialog. But also because I would guess it's
the right UI. Analyzing them separately should let us check whether a
given UI works well for both or not.


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