Re: [Usability] RFP: File chooser user interface

Here is my proposal-mockup:

/------------ Open/Save As ----------\
|                                    |
| Location: < /etc/             (V)> |
|     File: < nifty stuff       (V)> |
|                                    |
| [ Select location ...         (^)] |
|  [X] Only show files of type       |
|      < Text Files    (*.txt) (V)>  |
|                                    |
|  /------------------------------\  |
|  | toolbar items                |  |
|  |------------------------------|  |
|  |                              |  |
|  |       "nautilus view"        |  |
|  |                              |  |
|  \------------------------------/  |
|                                    |
| [ Help ]        [ Cancel ] [ *OK ] |

A (V) means dropdown.
A (^) means pull-up.

There are a number of things that I have not decided on yet, and I'll discuss them later in the email, first I want to elaborate on what I have done.
1. Location and Filename text-dropdown-thingys
They are placed at the top because they are the two controls that will be used most frequently.
Both accept text-inputs, ofcourse.
The Location control should dropdown a list of mounts, root-level directories, common locations (perhaps recent locations as well ?) and application-suggested locations, like this:
  < /etc/          (^)>
  | [ My Folder     ] |  <- home directory
  | [ Mounts     (^)] |
  |   /dev/hda    X   |
  | [ Folders    (V)] |
  |   /home           |
  |   /var            |
The dropdown above is just a thought I had.. I really have no idea how to make this thing intuitive.
The filename control should dropdown a list of recently used 
desktop-wide filenames. The application behind the dialog should also be 
able to suggest filenames here. Pressing 'enter' while focused 
saves/opens the file.
2. Select location
This is a button with an arrow that dropdowns the nautilus control and the 'only show' option. When clicked, the state should be saved and used desktop wide. Perhaps it should also default to 'down'.
I know I said that I would elaborate later, but I won't. I'm too tired 
:) There are lots of unresolved issues with this proposal though.
Well, bring on the flamewars !

Vidar Braut Haarr

"Programmers don't die,
they just GOSUB without RETURN."

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