Re: [Usability] File Chooser Dialog

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 12:52, Calum Benson wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 18:21, Luis Villa wrote:
> > Seriously? Like, shouldn't the file selector be so obvious that it not
> > need a help button?
> Actually, reading it again, he didn't quite say it should have a Help
> button, he said:
> "Just one comment: Although most users should not need online
> assistance to use a file chooser, I hope that the chooser's
> redesign enables applications to provide such assistance,
> especially as inline help (help text displayed directly
> in the UI).  Such help might be needed if applications
> customize the file chooser."
> However as it seems we don't want to allow much in the way of
> customisation and the GNOME docs team frown upon inline help, I would
> suggest this probably isn't a high priority :)

Inline help just opens a huge can of worms on the interface.  But for a
Help button, we already have a standard location for it.  If it's not
there, the space it would occupy is dead space.  So it's essentially a
zero-cost addition to the interface.  And since it would only take about
20 lines of very boilerplate code to allow for this, I just don't see
why we wouldn't.


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