[Usability] Re: epiphany toolbar/bookmarks

Marcelo E. Magallon writes:
On Fri, May 30, 2003 at 12:42:26PM +0200, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
 > 4 Interesting. I see lot of people on gnomedesktop complaining about
 > it and some others saying that they started to use bookmarks only
> with epiphany. What are people complaining about ? * Adding bookmarks is not easy in the non-trivial case.
   I want to bookmark something and assign it to topic T2 which does not
   exist yet.  I have to open the bookmarks window, create a new topic,
   close that window and then file -> add bookmark and select the newly
created topic.

This is a non-issue. File->bookmark page. Don't assign a topic. Open the bookmark window, file->new topic, dnd the bookmark from uncategorized to th e new topic. I suspect most users will create a small limited number of topics to use. Maybe 20 or so. So adding the ability to create new topics in the new bookmark dialog will just lead to alot of uneeded complexity. In fact apple even agrees here and does provide a way to create new "folders" from its new bookmark dialog either.
* Currently managing large collections of bookmarks is cumbersome.
   To keep it short: it's too slow.  It searches as I type, which
   degrades interactivity.

GTK bug...

   Searching itself is not easy.  I know I have a bookmark about X but
   I'm not sure what I called it.  I browse the topic list and I see
   topic T0 which might be related to X.  The set is still too large.
   Topic T1 is also related to that, but there doesn't seem to be a way
   to display the intersection of T0 and T1.

We plan to fix this in the future by supporting multiple selections in the topics list.

   I want to add already existing bookmarks to this newly created topic
        Bookmarks window -> Search bookmark -> Properties -> Check topic
in the topics list.
   That's ok for one bookmark, but if you are dealing with several of
   them the task is painful.  It's not as far fetched as you might
   think.  Consider this: when you start bookmarking you have a little
   set of topics because it does not make sense to bookmark something
   and assign it to five different topics if the only entry in those
   five topics is this one bookmark.  At some point your list of
   bookmarks grows big and you start assigning more topics to already
   existing bookmarks to make them easier to find.  Presto.

this can all be done through dnd. there is a gtk bug about supporting multiple selections with the mouse that will be helpful for rubberbanding large numbers of bookmarks here.

 Wish: an easy way to see "related" bookmarks.  I have a bookmark B0
 with topics T0, T1 and T2 (all of them are very orthogonal).  I'm
 looking at T0.  In order to find out that B0 is in T1, too, I have to
 look at its properties and scroll thru the list of topics until I
 notice that T1 is also checked.  Now I have to search for T1 in the
 topics list and select it in order to see which other bookmarks are
related to B0.
 > - Searches are currently not very "rich", so if you have 2000
 > bookmarks, it can be hard to find them. But on the long time a
 > database approach is obviously the best also for people with so many
> bookmarks.
 With a large collection there's another problem: the list of topics is
 also potentially large.  Just finding a topic is in itself a difficult
 task.  I'm not sure if there's a solution for this problem (other than
 just "that's your problem, think of better topics" -- well, I'm not a
 librarian, ook?)

This is where having richer metadata from the page will come handy. I think we should use page meta tags that are provided in the html headers by page so that you can search based on these, though i wouldn't expose this in the ui at all. Its worth noting that the traditional hierarchy based bookmarks system here is actually worst, since it forces the user to micro manage their bookmark collection. Another good idea would be to provide someway to created new topics based on searches. (actually now that i think of it this is already possible. [1] do a search, [2] create a new topic, [3]dnd all bookmarks from the search to the topic.


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