RE: [Usability] Re: [Fwd: Re: Your final comments on gswitchit in 2.4...]

> From: Christian Rose [mailto:menthos gnome org] 
> There's actually only one
> character in German that's not at all possible to type in from a
> standard Swedish layout and that's s-z ("ß"). So there's been little
> need to change the layout (especially since changing layouts gets you
> all the layout weirdnesses with keys moving from one place to another
> and requires re-learning), 

I really miss the old Mac system which used an extra key press to get a
specific accent. I think it was option-something and then the character. The
option-something would give you
accents/umlaut/other-strange-things-on-top-of-characters. I can't remember
how it dealt with ß, but I'm sure I never switched my entire keyboard layout
just to type a funny character. And I regularly typed almost every european
language that there is.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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