Re: [Usability]sft+ctl+w v. ctl+q

On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 01:46, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 01:07, Luis Villa wrote:
> > So, which is more correct- sft+ctl+w v. ctl+q? I've finally gotten used
> > to ctl+q nearly everywhere, but nautilus and now epiphany are using
> > shft+ctl+w. Do the usability people have an opinion? care one way or the
> > other? As a lowly user, it is beginning to irritate me that something
> > with effectively the same user-visible affect is different in some of
> > the core apps. But maybe I'm talking out of place :)
> Epiphany is using sft+ctrl+w for Close window ( not window_s_), and
> ctrl+w for Close Tab.
> We are considering to rework it though. See
> (Btw if someone has comments about that proposal we would be glad to
> hear them).

Gnome-terminal (and phoenix, to look further afield) uses ctrl-w as
close tab as well. If you see ctrl-w more as "close whatever I have in
front of me", I see no problem with using that as closing tabs until
there's only one left, at which point the window containing that last
tab closes as well.


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