Re: [Usability] Gnome Wallpaper Properties

On Enj , 2003-12-11 at 13:03, Sean Middleditch wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 12:29, Rodney Dawes wrote:
> > > - I like the simpler appearance, and the better consistency with the
> > > Theme Preferences window (although that could be improved even further).
> > 
> > Suggestions for improvement are welcome. I am going to be patching the
> > gnome-thumbnail code and such so that the displayed meta-data can be
> > greatly improved. 
> Should it maybe be using the GTK2.3 file selector, and not the older 2.2
> file selector?

Has GTK+ 2.3 been decided as the version of GTK+ that GNOME 2.6 will
use? Last I heard there was still no decision and people are afraid it
will slip. I have been planning on doing it, but since I use GTK+ 2.2,
it's kind of hard to build/test any 2.3 code. :) Either way, it will
work with both, whether it supports 2.3 API or not.

> Also, when selecting an image, a thumbnail/preview would rock.  I've got
> 20 or so odd backgrounds I've downloaded, and when adding them to the
> list, I'm not sure which is which.

If adding a preview dingus didn't make the file selector so wide, I
would. Then again, I also think the file selector should just inherently
show you thumbnails using the thumbnail spec, anyway. Then the issue
of making the thing wide because you have to add a preview widget, would
just disappear. But what do I know.

> Finally, would it be possible to let users give them a name/title
> besides the filename?  The file moonlt-3.png (or whatever) doesn't mean
> much to me, "Moonlit Lake" does.

Yes. It is possible already. The name is stored in the XML file
currently. However, I'm not sure what the best way to do any editing
is. The goal here is to not need to rely on users to change the visible
name of an entry, but to rely on meta-data in the image files

> Finally, what about some way to "Add All" from a directory?  Going back
> to my 20-abckground directory (and that's just here at work, my one at
> home is much much bigger), manually having to add all these is a pain. 
> Users may go visit background/wallpaper sites, download a dozen or more,
> and would be irritated having to individually add each.

Did you try selecting all the images and pressing "OK"? :) You can also
drag all the images over from Nautilus. Both methods work equally well.

-- dobey

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