Re: [Usability] Galeon's Find Feature

On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 01:58:53PM +0800, Colin Charles wrote:
> Hi,
> Accessing the Find feature in Galeon is as simple as hitting Ctrl+F (or
> getting it via the menu with Edit -> Find).
> When a search is made within the text, the default action of the Enter
> key is that of the Next button.
> However, to get rid of the search window, instead of a commonly accepted
> Esc key being hit, a user has to use the Alt+C button.
> In terms of keyboard usability, maybe we should allow the Esc button to
> be utilised.

wow! you mean people are still using that? I thought everybody was
searfhing for text with /text, repeating last search with ^G. Is there
any reason for Edit -> Find / ^F to still be around?

John Lenton (john grulic org ar) -- Random fortune:
"Mi sono iscritto ad un concorso di colpa, ma non ho vinto niente perche'
non c'entravo."
		-- Alessandro Bergonzoni

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