Re: [Usability] Galeon's Find Feature

On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 18:14, Alan Horkan wrote:

> > On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 00:58, Colin Charles wrote:
> > > When a search is made within the text, the default action of the Enter
> > > key is that of the Next button.
> >
> > And you can't tell when text isn't found, and the d*mn dialogue
> > box gets in the way of the text you're searching.
> that really is annoying.  smarter programs move the dialog box out of the
> way or scroll down enough that the word can be seen instead of the word
> being obscured by the dialog.

The only way of telling is that the Next button isn't click-able any
longer. I think it should still say text not found and make the default
clickable button Close. So that if folk hit Enter, the Find dialog

> > > However, to get rid of the search window, instead of a commonly accepted
> > > Esc key being hit, a user has to use the Alt+C button.
> > Wow, I'd never tried Alt-C for that!!
> That is probably because it is the Mnemonic for Close/Cancel I'll bet.
> (I hope the button is labelled Close not Cancel, because you dont cancel
> a search you finish it).

Close it is. 

> > > In terms of keyboard usability, maybe we should allow the Esc button to
> > > be utilised.
> > +1 (i.e. I agree)
> If it is a dialog then Esc should dismiss it in the least destructive way
> possible.  I expect that is an oversight, they might have bound Esc to
> Stop but it should still dismiss dialogs and only cause a Stop when in the
> main document window.

Filed a bug:
Go vote, comment or someone with BugZilla status, approve it as a bug,
Colin Charles, byte aeon com my

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