Re: [Usability]What is the state of the Gnome Foot (and KDE) menu?

<quote who="Enrico Zini">

> I'm a Debian developer and I'm participating in some discussions in the
> Debian developers list about a redesign of the Debian menu system.
> Since we're all (Debian, Gnome and KDE at least) working at a different
> menu system, at minimum we should want to know what the others are
> doing, and hopefully we might want to work together and share the most.
> I haven't been following the Gnome usability discussions for a while,
> and I've never got in touch with the KDE people, so I should catch up a
> little bit with the current situation: could you help me with that?
> I would like to promote such cooperation, or to join as Debian if
> there's something already going on.

Hey Enrico,

Nice to see you're still powering on with the Debian usability stuff. :-)
Was nice to see you in Perth!

One place you should definitely check out is, especially
xdg-list. There has been discussion about the shared menu spec there, and a
little while ago there were a few Debian dudes looking into it as the
next-gen Debian menu system.

- Jeff

GU4DEC: June 16th-18th in Dublin, Ireland   
          "And up in the corporate box there's a group of pleasant
   thirtysomething guys making tuneful music for the masses of people who
    can spell 'nihilism', but don't want to listen to it in the car." -
                            Richard Jinman, SMH

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