Re: [Usability]Dealing with files in Gnome

On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 01:09, Per Cederberg wrote:
> I don't particularly fancy to jump into the copy/cut/paste
> discussion, but there is one little detail that I havn't seen
> commented anywhere...
> In Windows there is actually a small visual cue when you cut a
> file. The file gets hidden, which (if you have the /right/
> settings) shows up as a 50% transparent icon. Now, if you don't
> paste it anywhere (or for example cut another file), the file
> returns to its original "unhidden" state. So, the cut operation
> is lossless and cannot be used for deleting files.

Yes, it is unfortunate that this is not present in Gnome. Is this
trivial to implement? 		-Wesley

> Cheers,
> /Per
> PS. Not cross-posting as I'm not subscribing to the other lists.
Wesley Leggette <wleggette gate net>

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