Re: [Usability]Re: the keyboard accessibility capplet

On Wed, 2002-09-25 at 21:43, Michael Toomim wrote:

> I get the feeling that the term "accessibility" itself is inherently 
> misleading.

The term accessibility is amazingly common in the literature of
disability, and is certainly likely to be understood by non-hackers
seeking features to improve their access to GNOME. It occurs in both
technology and non-technology related contexts, and is a preferred term
used by people representing the Independent Living movement.

> The dictionary definition is too generic: "The ability to be accessed". 
>   But certainly every user would like to access his/her computer, as 
> Havoc pointed out.  It really means to say "the ability to be accessed 
> by somebody with a handicap, or disability, or ackward situation" (thus 
> the handicap icon), but this isn't apparent unless you understand the 
> special domain-specific definition of the word "accessibility".  The 
> word used to describe these features really ought to make sense to non 
> usability hackers...

As for people altering the settings without understanding their purpose,
the reasonably non-subtle icon is a big clue. Also, the features behind
the icon could be considered useful/comfortable for all kinds of people.


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