Re: [Usability]prefs dialog recommendation

<quote who="Sven Herzberg">

> 4 or more pages:
> Use the gimp-tree (the code is very well readable) an the gimp
> headlines. The advantage of a tree is that you are not limited in depth
> (in contrast to galeon1.2 - where you were actually able to group pages
> but you were not even able to have a title page - with a description of
> the section for the user). It gimp-tree also benefits from the ability
> to group items (which is not possible in galeon2 if i see this
> correctly). The nautilus-list doesn't need many changes to look like a
> gimp-tree.

This is similar to gedit's tree preferences... It puts the gedit logo on the
title pages, as they're not immediately useful for anything. Is there any
need for them in a HIG-happy version?

- Jeff

     Broken hearts rarely come with "Some Assembly Required" stickers.      

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