Re: Calum's challenge and Luis' rant [was Re: [Usability]A Challenge: Describe the GNOME 4.0 interface.]

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 13:37, Glynn Foster wrote:
> Hey there,
> > That having been said, Luis is right. But here's a question: should we
> > do UI reviews for core applications that haven't been ported to GNOME 2
> > yet? e.g. gAIM, Evolution, Anjuta, etc...
> To be perfectly honest, I think we have enough to do reviewing the
> current applications. I think we can move onto the others over time,
> when they get ported. By all means file bugs against those applications
> in bugzilla - but please don't use the [UI-REVIEW] string, since I'd
> like to preserve some degree of control over the bug list.

Note that there is now a ui-review keyword you can use instead of the
title string (though using both is probably not a bad idea.)

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