[Usability]Usability proposal: Keep window always on top


First of allmy name is Cristian, I'm a new Linux user, and I  have
embraced Gnome as it is more stable than KDE from my oppinion.
I have been overwhelmed by the loads of features of the UI, but  I have a
proposal of my own.

I think if it would be great if the windows's context menu  (which appears
on click on rights corner -usually :) you will put an option , maybe under
'toggle' entry with an "ALWAYS ON TOP " options, so for example I can keep
an window always on top, and 'sticked to all desktops. I do not know if
this feature is implemented now, nor how can I activate it....

THanks a lot and I think that Gnome is a very nice desktop.


Best regards,
Cristian Romanescu
phone: +4095133096
web  : www.geocities.com/ext007

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