[Usability] Re: Usability (was Re: Yelp)

ons 2002-01-30 klockan 04.32 skrev Christian Rose:
> ons 2002-01-30 klockan 04.17 skrev Daniel Carrera:
> > I think that there's a big usability problem in GNOME.  It stems
> > from the lack of appropriate names for the gnome apps and utils.  Think
> > about a new user confronted with the following names.  Could he/she guess
> > what the app was?"
> > 
> > *  Yelp.

My intention has always been that it should say "Help", "Help browser",
"GNOME Help" or whatever we can come up with that better describes what
it is.

> > *  Everybudy.
> > *  Evolution.
> > *  Gnumeric.

Isn't this what the tooltips are for?

  Mikael Hallendal

Mikael Hallendal                micke codefactory se
CodeFactory AB                  http://www.codefactory.se/
Office: +46 (0)8 587 583 05     Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918

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