[Usability] Wheel scroll for folding and unfolding


As a little history for the ones not following galeon development we
have this thing called "smart bookmark"(smb) which is essentialy a
bookmark with two associated urls, one normal and one smart (which has
%s in it, replaced by some user input before opening the url). the
feature is exteremely useful as many would attest.

One way to represent the smart bookmark is in a toolbar, what is used is
a button and an entry. Having entries in the toolbar could be wasting
too much precious space so the smbs  have the ability to fold/unfold the
entry. Currently it can be done in two ways 
	- rightclicking on the smb and selecting fold/unfold from a context
menu ;
	- Ctrl-leftclick on the smb button.

Both choices are often questioned for usability and intuitivenes. People
want prefs, the feature creep treadmill keeps rolling and generally
things are not as good as they should in this department.

Recently Erich Schubert <erich debian org>  posted a patch implementing
fold/unfold of the entry using the mouse wheel. And we have some
problems agreeing whether it should go in or not :)

So what would the usability team think of that?

I guess my question pertains more to the issue of using the mouse wheel 
for fold/unfold (possibly toggle) type of controls, but of course other
suggestion on improving the smbs are welcome.

My opinion is that the wheel can be used very succesfully for that,
having the up scroll fold  and the down scroll unfold would probably be
useful and natural for many people. 

I can also imagine similar use of the two virtual buttons of the wheel 
for toggle controls.

I dont like the flipping behavior of a continuous scroll in one
direction   as some people have suggested (and Erich's patch implements
for the galeon's smbs)

The wheel as a selector in lists and widget groups(menushells,
radiogroups) sounds good too but thats for another post i guess.


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