Re: [Usability] (no subject)

On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 03:24, Calum Benson wrote:
> P G wrote:
> > 
> > What's the power structure at the Usability project?  All I found on the web was "Seth Nickell (Project Lead)".  How are decisions made?  What can I do apart from posting my suggestions to this mailing list?
> There's no power structure as such, it works like any of the other
> sub-projects within GNOME (documentation project, accessibility project
> etc.)-- if you have the time, enthusiasm and expertise to help out, or
> you're willing to ask a few dumb questions to gain that expertise,
> people will generally start listening.  It only takes a few good posts
> to build up the necessary credibility :)

There's no power structure mostly because there's no power to go around
:-) Basically the usability project is a resource for hackers to get
advice from at the moment. As Calum says, people who offer good advice
will be listened to, those who do not will be ignored.

> As for suggestions and decisions, the usability list is as good a place
> as any to make those for now.  You can also file bug reports in bugzilla
> against components you think have a particular usability problem-- use
> the "Usability" keyword, and/or the "hig" keyword if it's something you
> think should be in the GNOME UI guidelines document.

Only use the HIG keyword if its a bug where an application is not
following the HIG. HIG bugs should be filed against the HIG component,
not using the HIG keyword.

> The usability project used to hold bi-weekly meetings on IRC as well,
> but they seem to have died a death while people are concentrating on
> getting 2.0 out the door.  Hopefully they will be resurrected sometime
> soon.



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