Re: [Usability]Re: A (Re)"search" idea

lör 2002-12-14 klockan 18.37 skrev Joaquin Cuenca Abela:

> Again, why do you need a "search forward" and a
> "search backward"?
> The serial way of highlight match by match is much
> slower than showing all the matches at once.

That depends on how you use the search function. I can think of the
following usages:

- Look for keywords in text to speed up reading.

- Jump to the given place in a document (a function, section etc).

In the first example higlighting all matches is probably usefull.
In the second example you would probably like to have an idea of what
the "current" match is, so higlighting all matches is not that usefull.

To get the best of both worlds, just add the "Higlight all matches"
option to the search popup menu. Oh, and why not "Always search from
beginning of document" to ?

	- Jens

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