Re: [Usability]Should the HIG advise use of Check and Radio menu items?

tis 2002-12-10 klockan 18.47 skrev Murray Cumming:
> > in most themes, including the default theme,
> > an untoggled radio or check menu item can not be distinguished from
> > a normal menu item.
> Because it shows a tick when it's active, but nothing when it is not
> active. 
> Well that might make sense. An untoggled Show Something menu item would
> look like a normal menu item when the Something isn't already shown. And
> when you look at it again you can see, from the little tick, that it is
> already shown.

Owen had some objections to this the last time this was discussed
(, but I
don't know if the situation has changed.

> If we decided it really is a problem then we should submit a GTK+ HIG
> bug and just not mention it in the HIG until GTK+ can do what we want.

Submitting a GTK+ bug report is an excellent idea.


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