Re: [Usability]Bibliographic gathering

I would prefer to keep the "list" in each category very short (maybe one
to four items). Lets concentrate on choosing the most helpful sources in
each area rather than attempting to be comphrehensive. To provide
breadth we can refer people to a site like (which
I notice has us listed on their main page, cool!).

Along the same lines, I think an annotated bibliography would be most
helpful (just a parapgraph or two about *why* this is a valuable source
and what it can help with).

While I think we should list the best books, web sites will, in general,
be more advantageous to our readership where a suitable resource is to
be found online. Most HCI professionals already know which books are
useful, and have hopefully read many of them. This list will probably be
most useful to lay usability enthusiasts and programmers who may be more
adverse to dropping money on books. Another point of consideration would
be linking to some specific articles rather than just general sites. So
for example, we might provide a link to the best online article we can
find about usability testing practices.


On Wed, 2002-08-21 at 11:40, David Lazaro wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> This is a call for nominations of your favorite usability, graphical
> design and user interface books. The purpose of this is adding them to
> the GNOME HIG's new bibliography chapter.
> The categories will be:
> * General design
> * Graphical design
> * Usability
> * Accessibility
> * Style guides for other platforms
> * Web sites
> * Organizations
> The format for book entries should be:
>    Comma separated list of authors. Title. Location: Publisher, Year.
> for example:
>    Mullet, Kevin and Darrell Sano. Designing Visual Interfaces:
> Communication Oriented Techniques. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall,
> 1995.
> Notice the reversal of name and last name for the first author in the
> list. This is to facilitate the references by last name; that work could
> then be referred as [Mullet95] in the main text.
> The format for web site entries should be:
>    Web site name. URL.
> for example:
>    Ask Tog.
> Remember to leave out the ending slash for top URLs if it isn't
> needed--they hardly are.
> So, let us know what are your nominations!
> Thank you all beforehand,
> David.
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