Re: [Usability]Re: [HIG] Label alignment

> > I agree with all of that, but I think we still need to make some sort of
> > pre-release editorial effort in our 'major releases' at least... kind of
> > like a ui-review, but for the HIG :)  Doesn't have to take more than a
> > couple of days, we just need to sit down and make sure all the
> > guidelines and terminology are consistent etc... I know you've been
> > doing some over the past few days, I just need to start doing some of it
> > as well...
> Note that it would probably be good for this to be semi-public, at
> least; I'm not asking it go to d-d-l or anything, just that it be run by
> at least a few hackers to check that everything in there is consistent,
> makes sense, is mostly possible in gtk, etc. Judgement on sanity, not 'I
> think recommendation X is dumb and it would be more usable my way.'

I would welcome hackers to look over this, though for the most part I
know what is possible and what isn't. We still need to find a good
format for drafting theoretical specifications that we really want,
should be part of the HIG, and can't be because of implementation

Now that I've learned more XSLT, I think we can use our own special
attribute tag for <remark>s that could get parsed out into a seperate
document containing changes that need to happen in libraries for a
recommendation to become a possibility, and links to their bug reports.


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