Re: [Usability]Eugenia's UI review/mockup

About that hyperlink: It's a bad idea. It's not a hyperlink, so it
should not look like one. Also, by presenting it as a hyperlink, the
user has a right to expect it to adhere to the other semantics of
linking: it should pop up a html-page, the users' choice on the color
and underlining of the link and on tabbed vs. windowed browsing should
be respected and so on and so forth. Keep links where they belong and
let's not mix elements from different domains.

That said, having it as a button is not too hot either. What it probably
should be is two tabs, the default one and another with the rest of the
options, in one window rather than having a button open a second window.

On Thu, 2002-08-08 at 10:56, Eugenia Loli-Queru wrote:
> >You can already do this with themes. See the MgicChikn theme as a prime
> example.
> It is in the details that my suggestion differs from the rest of the themes.
> I do not believe that everything I suggest here can be done by modifying
> theme. At least, not without sitting down and write some serious GTK+ C
> code, as in the case of the Crux theme. Some under the hood GTK+ changes
> might to be done too...
> It is not one person's job, it is lots of different people, (theme editors,
> Gnome developers, GTK+ devs, even freetype ppl) to come together and work
> out issues and bring true consistency on the modern XFree86 desktop. That
> was one of the points of my article anyway... :)
> Regards,
> Eugenia
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