Re: [Usability]Desktop directory vs. hidden dir

On 3 Aug 2002, Ali Akcaagac wrote:

> hi,
> i wanted to ask if there is a possibility to rethink the .gnome-desktop
> directory name. in my personal opinion this wasn't a very well choosen
> name for storing desktop related material. i am trying to describe here
> some practical situations where it badly fails. most of the time because
> a hidden directory was choosen as name.

	Hmm... Maybe I'm too much the kind of a technical guy, but I'd 
have to suggestions to solve this annoyance:

1) AFAIR Nautilus2 is able to use $HOME as desktop directory. If you 
decided to use your desktop background the windows way -- that means as 
trashcan ;-) -- why don't you use this option of Nautilus2?.

2) If you have reasons not to use $HOME as desktop dir, but need to access 
your desktop dir often. Why don't you use the power of your UNIX-like 
system then and create a symlink (alias) for the hardcoded hidden desktop 

	$ ln -s ~/.hidden-name ~/visible-name

IHMO making the desktop dir visible has exactly one problem: It's another 
step to make GNOME annoying for technical oriented users like me: I really 
don't care about having the chance to put trash on my desktop and it 
really would annoy me to see -- the for me usesless desktop directory -- 
day by day.


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