[Usability]Desktop directory vs. hidden dir


i wanted to ask if there is a possibility to rethink the .gnome-desktop
directory name. in my personal opinion this wasn't a very well choosen
name for storing desktop related material. i am trying to describe here
some practical situations where it badly fails. most of the time because
a hidden directory was choosen as name.

personally i have 5-6 directories on my desktop categorized in mp3's
stuff, pictures, documents and other things. let's assume i go to the
net and want to download some mp3's using galeon. i get prompted with a
fileselection box now i want to go directly to my desktop's mp3 dir. but
because of the nature of the fileselectionbox i can't select the hidden
desktop dir and usually end in downloading that file into the homedir
and move it then by opening a terminal.

another sitation, i have a workdir where i store important stuff like
things i work on e.g. postscript documents, source, audio or artistic
files. no matter which app i start i end in the barrier of the hidden
directory name for the desktop.

it would be really necessary to re-think this stuff since it's not very
practical that way. compared the way KDE handles it's desktop by using
the desktop dir in the homedir this is a far better situation. at least
their dir is not hidden.

i know you can bypass this situation in several ways by creating a link
or wait for gnome x.x to get some cool new fileselectioboxes which
probably contains a 'desktop' button which imediately opens the desktop
folder as in KDE. but right now it's really not very usable.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science
E-Mail..: mailto:ali akcaagac stud fh-wilhelmshaven de
WWW.....: http://www.fh-wilhelmshaven.de/~akcaagaa

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