Re: GNOME 2.0 Must Fix Item #6

On 31 Aug 2001 23:11:30 -0700, Adam Elman wrote:
> At 9:48 AM -0400 8/31/01, Kevin Vandersloot wrote:
> >This one should be pretty straightforward. Note that recent versions of
> >gdm have some of the changes suggested in the usability test. For fun I
> >did a mockup of a possible improvement to the logout dialog here:
> >
> >
> One minor comment, one larger one...
> Larger comment: While I think this is a definite improvement over the 
> current radio buttons, I'm struck that having the choice here at all 
> is throwing a bit of complexity in the user's face at a time when 
> they aren't terribly interested in it.  At logout/shutdown/reboot 
> time, you really just want to get the hell out of the environment so 
> you can go home/get on with your life. :)
> I think it's fine to have an "Are you sure" dialog (at least until 
> session management means that logging out is totally non-destructive 
> :) but I would actually suggest that we move the choice of Log 
> Out/Shut Down/Restart to the _menu_ rather than bringing up this 
> dialog box.  Then the dialog box becomes a simple "Are you sure? 
> Logout/Cancel" rather than offering all these buttons.
> Another reason why this might be a good idea is that it'd be easier 
> for admins to simply remove "Shut Down" and "Reboot" from the menu in 
> cluster situations when having user access to such things is 
> undesirable (or, in some situations, totally irrelevant: for 
> instance, if the user is accessing a session via a remote X 
> terminal).  Otherwise we have to have at least two different versions 
> of the dialog box designed.
> A third reason: if I want to shut down the computer, "Log Out" isn't 
> necessarily the obvious choice from the menu as to how to do that. 
> Having an explicit "Shut Down" option there would be clearer.

Yah, I agree with you on all three accounts. Screw the dialog-in-one
idea, though we should have "are you sure dialogs" for each of the

Actually that is what Nils suggests in the menu proposal.


> Adam
> -- 

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